The Mystery and the Power of the Crystal Skulls
By Pearl Blackthorn (reprinted from Darkside Magazine)
The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls
The skulls are considered to be one of the great world
mysteries for a number of reasons;
- No one
knows for sure who made the famous crystal skulls.
- It has
not been possible to tell exactly how they were made.
- There is a number of phenomena associate with the skulls including healing, emanating energy, channeling of psychic impressions and formation of images inside the skulls.
Famous Crystal Skulls
The Mitchell-Hedges
Perhaps the most mysterious and well-known of the crystal
skulls is the Mitchell-Hedges skull. It is very similar in size and form to a
real human skull and even has a removable jawbone. Both parts of the skull are
made form the same block of clear quartz crystal. It
weighs 11.7 pounds and is about five inches high, five inches wide, and seven
inches long.
The skull was brought to pubic attention by British explorer
F. A. Mitchell-Hedges, who claimed that his daughter Anna unearthed it in 1924
in an ancient Mayan temple. However, documentation has since shown that
Mitchell-Hedges purchased the skull at an auction at
Sothebys in London ,
in 1943. The skull remains in Canada ,
in the possession of octogenarian Anna Mitchell-Hedges, who maintains that she
discovered it during a Lubaatun expedition.
The Mitchell-Hedges family loaned the skull to
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories for study in 1970. Researchers made a surprising discovery when
they found that the skull had been carved against the natural axis of the
crystal. This is unusual because doing so usually ensures that the crystal will
shatter. To add to the mystery, close examination could not reveal any markings
on the skull to suggest it had been made with modern metal instruments or
diamond-tipped tools. Art restorer Frank Dorland, who oversaw the testing,
concluded that the skull was produced by means of a solution o f water and
silicon sand; a procedure that would have taken up to 300 years to complete!
The Paris Crystal
Skull and the British Crystal Skull
This pair of similar skulls is said to have both been
bought by Mexican mercenaries around 1890. They are not as finely cut as the
Mitchell-Hedges skull and are made from a cloudier crystal. Some of the details
appear not to have been completed. The British Crystal Skull is on display at London 's Museum
of Mankind , and the
Trocadero Museum of Paris houses the Paris Crystal Skull.
The Amethyst
Skull and the Mayan Skull
These skulls are also carved with less specific detail than
the Mitchell-Hedges skull. They are said to have been discovered in the early
20th century in Mexico
and Guatemala and were
brought to the US
by a Mayan priest. The Amethyst skull is made from purple quartz and the Mayan
skull is made from clear crystal. They are very similar in size and form and
like the Mitchell-Hedges skull, both were cut 'against the grain'.
The Texas Crystal Skull
This skull is also known as "Max" and is made
from a single piece of clear crystal and weighs 18 pounds. It is believed to
have originated in Guatemala
then passed from a Tibetan spiritualist to JoAnn Parks of Houston,
The Rose Quartz Crystal Skull
all the famous crystal skulls, this is the one that most closely resembles the
Mitchell-Hedges skull. It was reportedly found near the border of Honduras and Guatemala . It is made of a cloudy
crystal and a little larger then the Mitchell-Hedges but it also is cut with
fine detail and has a removable jawbone.
The ET Skull
skull came to light in the early 20th century in Central
America . It is made from smoky quartz and was given its name due
to its strangely elongated cranium and exaggerated overbite which gives it the
eerie look of an extraterrestrial. ET belongs in the private collection of Joke
Van Dietan.
The Crystal Skull
Joshua Shapiro
has spent more than twenty years researching the crystal skulls, but his
research has gone beyond a search for their origins into the deeper mystery of
the power locked within them and their effects and uses.
An Aquarian Age Networker, Joshua was first drawn to the
crystal skulls in 1983 when he was traveling through California . While he was visiting a friend
who owned a metaphysical bookstore,
Joshua saw a picture of an amethyst
crystal skull, which is now known as Ami.
"When I was looking at the picture I felt an inner
earthquake inside of me, like a strong vibration, and I heard – it wasn't
actually my thought but it was my thought – 'what is this doing out
there?' Now, when I think about that
question that came to me, it implies that on some unconscious level I knew
about this crystal skull though I'd never seen it before in this lifetime. So I
assume it means I knew about it from another time, another lifetime. So then,
as we were looking at the picture of it on the table, there was a real
earthquake in California
about twenty minutes later. I always believe that every human being, in a
certain time, in a certain place, makes a decision, whether they realize it's
an important decision or not, that for ever changes their life and between
those two experiences, as I was looking at this, just the picture, not the real
skull itself, I knew inside of me that they are vital and important for the
future of humanity to help us create world peace."
A few weeks later the same crystal skull was being shown to
a prospective buyer and Joshua was invited to go and see it.
"I was allowed to touch the skull and I put my hand on
the very top part of the skull and I felt an energy that went all the way up my
arm to my shoulder and stopped there and after that I would see the skull
floating over my right shoulder in my mind's eye."
His experiences were so profound that Joshua began sharing
information about crystal skulls in his own talks and lectures. He began
attending lectures by F.R. Nick Nocerino, who although he passed away several
years ago he's still considered to be an expert on the skulls. Eventually
Joshua was able to meet other crystal skulls such as Max and the famous
Mitchell-Hedges skull.
"…what I found when I was around them, particularly the Mitchell-Hedges skull, and people were asking the care-taker questions, I knew the answers. So I'd start sharing. Then she asked me to watch the skull for her for a little while and I felt like this skull was saying 'you have work to do with us.'"
After that Joshua started to lecture with Sandra Bowen and
the two of them, along with Nocerino wrote and published Mystery of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, in 1989. Now, Joshua also
has his own skulls each of which has is own name and unique traits.
Joshua has traveled all over the world doing presentations
or meeting people who have crystal skulls and also conducting scientific
research to see how their energy affects people. From his own experience with
both ancient and modern skulls, Joshua has come to understand their meaning and
their purpose.
"For me the skulls are living beings. Through our
travels and all the people we’ve met and all the places we've gone and all
their older brothers and sisters we've seen, they are alive. I call them my
kids, and I call them my kids because they're evolving and the way I know
they're evolving is because they don’t look like they did when I first received
them. They have changed. Now according to scientists these are solid objects,
they shouldn’t be changing. But we can conclusively say there are various
people who have felt the skulls become lighter or heavier, or in a few
instances with our big skull, which you see he looks like a gray color, kind of
dark, he has become totally clear and everybody can see that. So, for me, my
personal way of knowing if a skull is ancient, is not to figure out how it was
made but to experience its resonance, its energy, because I've had a chance to
experience some of the skulls that are quite old and they have some other level
of energy that I feel; that's my gift I'm sensitive to energy. When I'm doing
the crystal skull sessions and I'm going into the reading part, I use myself as
a human barometer, let’s say, in order to feel the essence of the energy that
I'm experiencing with the skull."
Although Joshua admits that there are no scientific tests to
prove or disprove his own personal experiences or understanding of the crystal
skulls, he has devised and conducted a number of tests to assess how crystal
skulls can affect a person individually. During these tests meridian devices
and corillian devices that show the aura
were attached to the subject's hands and feet. The subject was then blindfolded
and placed in front of a crystal skull. The tests revealed that in the presence
of a crystal skull, the subject's energy was perfectly balanced, sometimes for
a while after the skull had been removed. Detailed results of these experiments
can be found in Joshua's forthcoming book Journeys
of the Crystal Skull Explorers.
So what could be the origins of the crystal skulls? Joshua
believes that they may have come from either an ancient civilization or from an
extra-terrestrial race.
"There are many, many people that I've talked to and
myself included, that have memories of Atlantis where we see crystal skulls
there. They would have had a very advanced technology to be able to have
created them. Some of the theories related to Atlantis include the use of
precise lasers in order to cut and shape the skulls also, the possibility of
using the mind to convert a bone skull into a crystal skull."
The late Marcel Vogel was a former research scientist for IBM. During the 1970s he
conducted extensive studies on quartz crystals which led him to create a
faceted crystal now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal, which he used as an
instrument to store, amplify and convert subtle energies. He also maintained
that crystals are a repository for energy and information and that they
resonate with the bones in our bodies. This means that anyone coming into
physical contact with a crystal will feel some level of that energy resonating
through every part of their body. But is
the shape of the crystal important and if so, why specifically the shape of a
human skull? Joshua believes that the form of a crystal skull is very
significant for a number of reasons.
"…crystals have an affect on the
people that they're working with and especially in the form of a crystal skull…
What we're finding with the new crystal skulls is that we relate to them as
persons whereas another form of crystal may have intelligence but we don’t
relate to it as a person because its not in our form. Why take a crystal and
put it into the shape of a human bone skull? Why is that important? Well first
of all I believe that spirit created our physical form, or an advanced race
created our physical form and the bone skull was created because its shape is
conducive to receiving cosmic knowledge and information that moves and filters
down through different levels of consciousness. It's a connection to the
Godhead according to some of the primitive cultures of the Mesoamerican eras in
Mexico and Central
America . Quartz crystal, for me is a transmitter and a receiver of
various frequencies of energy. It’s a door which spirit can use to communicate
with us. So having such a material, putting it in the shape of a skull, it then
becomes not only a door but a receptacle to store amazing information."
The Purpose of the Crystal Skulls
Many people are familiar with the date December 21st
2012 date of the Mayan calendar. Some believe that this date signifies an
apocalyptic end to the world while others believe that that after this date,
humanity will pass through a transformative state to a higher consciousness. Joshua
Shapiro is firmly convinced of the latter, and he also believes that the
crystal skulls will have a significant role to play in this transformation.
"I have felt an affinity with my intuition about this
2012. …the Mayans work with cycles; the numbers 52 and 13 are quite sacred. I
look at it as a symbolic meaning, that the world as we know it is going to go
through a transformation. The reason why I know it will happen is because I
have a spirit guide name Argis and Argis says "Joshua I am you in your
future, in this lifetime after 2012. I believe that time doesn't exist. That if
you’re actually sensitive enough you can actually be aware of who you are in
the past present and future, not only in your current life but with other
lifetimes. Argis tells me that this transformation has already happened in his
time. This is why I don't consider any other possibility. I see through his eyes what its going to look like and I
see flying cities, I see crystal cities. I know that we're living in
communities where all the adults are parents to all the children and people
have total freedom to live their life however they want. Everything I do is based
upon the fact that we're moving in that direction. As far as what role will the
crystal skulls play in this, the Mayans talk about 52 crystal skulls, that
there may be multiple sets of 13. Maybe they have one set, maybe there are some
other indigenous people that have another. But they say there will come a time
and a place where these skulls need to come together, and perhaps when they
come together in the right place at the right time, that's the catalyst that
shifts tings into a higher frequency, going from the third, I think we're
already into part of the fourth
dimensional consciousness and then settling into the fifth. So I know the
crystal skulls have a role to play in this. Right now, as people are having contact
with them, they’re helping people to open up to their inner self and to their
spiritual gifts."
Another very interesting interview.